Friday, December 06, 2013
About Me
- Name: jp
- Location: Toronto
Heaven was made for those who don't know what to look for in life.
- Factuals...
- L'actualité
- Adbusters
- Al Jazeera
- Alternet
- Asia Times
- BuzzFlash
- China Daily
- Climate Desk
- Climate Progress
- Climate Science Watch
- Common Dreams
- Counterpunch
- David Suzuki Foundation
- Le Devoir
- Dictionnaire français/anglais
- Discover
- Economy Watch
- EcoWatch
- Encyclopedia of Life
- Le Figaro
- France 24
- Freedom to Read
- Global Issues
- The Guardian
- George Monbiot (Guardian commentaries)
- Harper's
- Inter Press Service News Agency
- Japan Times
- Lapham's Quarterly
- Libération
- LiveScience
- Le Monde
- Mother Jones
- Musée de la Révolution française
- The Nation
- National Geographic
- News of the Weird
- Nouvelles (En français)
- Online Newspapers
- Greg Palast
- La Presse
- ProPublica
- Pushed Left And Loving It
- Rabble
- Radio-Canada
- The Real News Network
- Reuters
- Salon
- Sources (Canadian)
- Talking Points Memo
- Times of India
- TomDispatch
- Trinicenter
- Trinidad & Tobago News
- Tyee
- Vice
- World Newspapers
- Word Reference (Multi-lingual dictionary)
- -------------------------------------------
- Feminism...
- Fédération des femmes du Québec
- Feministing
- International Campaign Against Honour Killings
- Maryam Namazie
- No Sharia
- Par-L (Canadian Electronic Feminist Network)
- Association for Women's Rights in Development
- Women Living Under Muslim Laws
- Femmes sous lois musulmanes
- Women of the French Salons
- -------------------------------------------
- Freethinking...
- Association Humaniste du Québec
- Athéisme: L'homme debout
- Atheist Alliance
- Celebrity Atheists
- Council of Ex-Muslims
- Dissent
- Freedom From Religion Foundation
- The Freethinker
- God Checker
- Index on Censorship
- International Humanist and Ethical Union
- International Liaison Committee of Atheists and Freethinkers
- irReligion
- La Libre Pensée (la France)
- Libre Pensée (le Québec)
- Mouvement Laïque Québécois
- Mr Deity
- Muslim Canadian Congress
- National Secular Society
- Network for Church Monitoring
- New Advent (Catholic Encyclopedia)
- No Beliefs
- Positive Atheism
- The Philosophers' Magazine
- Skeptics Annotated Bible
- Sceptiques du Québec
- Secular Coalition for America
- T & T Humanist Association
- Vivre Sans Religion (in English too)
- Wikiislam
- --------------------------------------------
- Fun and Games...
- 360 Cities
- Angus Reid Polls & Research
- Brainy Quote
- Buzzfeed
- George Carlin
- Centre for Research on Globalization
- The Consumerist
- The Dumb Network
- Elections-Canada
- Fark
- Fora TV
- Free Docs
- HuffPost Comedy
- Oddee
- Parliament of Canada
- Polaris Institute
- Project Gutenberg
- PR Watch
- Radio Ellebore
- WebRadio Française
- Snopes (Urban Legends Reference)
- Top Documentary Films
- Toronto-Lime
- Urban Dictionary
- WikiMedia
- Wikipedia
- Wikipedia Anonymous Entry Scanner
Previous Posts
- It's Been A Long Time Coming
- Jaws Meets Deepthroat
- March Madness
- Afoul Of The Facts
- Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire
- Climate Crash
- The Home Stretch
- No Sex Please, We're British
- Smalltown Bringdown
- Grace, Too