Monday, January 15, 2007

Going Under

In Australia people just don't know what to do with themselves these days. For example, what has an all-out ban on smoking led to in Tasmania, "the first state to place a blanket ban on smoking in bars 12 months ago"?

...a spate of backyard establishments. With the rest of Australia having brought in, or in the process of bringing in, their own smoke-free laws, the number of illegal, unlicensed drinking houses was expected to spread, said AHA national executive director Bill Healey.

"It's an illegal activity no different from drug-pushing. We want it nipped in the bud as quickly as possible," said Healey. Australian Hotels Association, Tasmanian manager Daniel Hanna said, "The situation is setting the scene for irresponsible drinking, drink-driving and the sale of alcohol to minors."

Maybe all those people who told you pot only leads to harder drugs were onto something.


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