Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Satan County Saskatchewan

REGINA -- A wife's nickname for her husband has been deemed offensive. "Diablo" is a pet name for William Harris, given to him by his wife ... for his birthday, she went to Saskatchewan Government Insurance to get a vanity plate made up with the nickname.

When Harris called to inquire about the plate, he was told it wouldn't be issued because it was considered improper. Oddly enough, the plate "666" had been issued, according to both SGI and Harris.

Most of the shock, according to Harris, was due to the fact that it is possible to buy many things in the province that are named Diablo, which is Spanish for "devil." "I can buy a car, I can buy the game," said Harris. "The government seems to have no problem making a buck off the taxes of those things."

That's life in Hell, Mr. Diablo.


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