Wednesday, October 25, 2006

One Of These Things Just Doesn't Belong

It’s an American way of death. More than 30,000 people die from gunshot wounds every year, through murder, suicide and accidents. That is an average of 82 a day, which is hardly a surprise since annual U.S. production of pistols, revolvers, rifles and shotguns for the domestic civilian market has been running at between 2.6 million and more than three million for the past seven years.

With those facts in mind which of these things doesn't belong, Sesame Street fans?

(1) At a hastily arranged White House Conference on School Safety on Oct. 10, panelists covered topics ranging from metal detectors and school bullies to the value of religious beliefs and good communication between parents and schools. President George W. Bush and his wife Laura Bush attended separate parts of the conference but avoided mention of guns.

(2) The word "gun" was not mentioned until a plucky teenager pointed out to Attorney General Alberto Gonzales that the common factor was easy access to high-powered firearms.

(3) The annual death toll from gun violence in the United States is ten times the total of U.S. combat deaths, to date, in Iraq and Afghanistan.

(4) The NRA said: "Clearly the past two years represent one of the most successful congressional sessions that gun owners have ever had."

See how you did...


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